Cheung Ching Lutheran Centre for the Disabled


Cheung Ching Lutheran Centre for the Disabled was established in 1984 and provides social and recreation activities for persons with hearing impairment and physically disability.


  1. To enable disabled persons to make meaningful use of their leisure time.
  2. To provide opportunities for disabled persons to develop their potential and well-being.
  3. To encourage the development of interpersonal skills and enhance the development of personal relationships.
  4. To encourage the active participation of disabled persons in the community.
  5. To assist persons with hearing impairment in communicating with the hearing community.
  6. To introduce the communication methods and reduce the communication barriers of persons with hearing impairment to hearing persons.
  7. To assist in sign language development in Hong Kong.


Persons with physical disability, hearing impairment and ordinary persons


No limit


  1. Organized social, recreational and developmental activities jointly organized for promotion of inclusion, integration and community participation of disabled persons.
  2. Organized public education programs to promote better understanding of disabled persons.
  3. Organized programs or activities to strengthen support for disabled persons’ families and care-givers.
  4. Interpretation service for government departments, non-governmental organizations and hearing impaired persons in relation to job interviews, court hearing, marriage ceremonies, medical consultations, public examinations, etc.
  5. Sign language course for hearing impaired persons, their family members and professionals working with hearing impaired persons for bridging the communication gap.

Service Hour

Monday               : 2:00PM - 6:00PM

Tuesday to Friday : 2:00PM - 10:00PM

Saturday             :10:00AM - 10:00PM

Sunday and Public Holiday : Closed


Membership Type: Persons with physical disability, hearing Impairment and ordinary persons

Membership Fee: $22(1 yr.); $60(3 yrs.); $100(5 yrs)

First half year membership ( Joining month from October to March except the volunteer membership, Membership Fee: $11(half yr.); $60(3 yrs.); $100(5 yrs)

Membership Type: Volunteer 

Membership Fee: $5(1 yr.); $15(3 yrs.); $25(5 yrs)


Address:P2/F, Ching Ho House, Cheung Ching Estate, Tsing Yi, N.T.
Telephone:2495 0118
Fax:2434 2198
Person In Charge:Ms. Tong Pui Kei

Make a Donation